Cold Watermelon Soup:

Zucchini Banana Loaf:

I'm pretty psyched about these two because they accidentally feed alternative lifestyle eaters. This is the Zucchini Banana Loaf I've been making for years and it happens to be vegan. And it's not vegan because I use some alternative butter or egg supplement, it's vegan because it needs nothing of the sort. No butter, no dairy and no eggs. Bananas are magical and can do terrific things when called on. And I just realized that the Cold Watermelon Soup is not only vegan, but raw. Yep, absolutely no cooking was done in this process. Simply a lot of chopping and mixing. Bejeezus 11 should be out by the end of the summer. The issue is themed Second Hand. I'll let you know when its off the press.
I dunno if that banana zucchini bread is the same recipe you used to make those monster banana zucchini muffins you gave me, but if it is, the zine is well worth five bucks for access to that recipe alone.
it is the same recipe my dear, it is!
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