Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Homemade Cookies 'N Cream Ice Cream

J, my radd husband, just turned 31 and he wanted some Cookies 'N Cream Ice Cream made by his lovely. So, I attempted home made ice cream. I had made Raspberry Sorbet this past summer with much success so I thought Ice Cream would be a breeze. Honestly, this stuff is super easy (if you have an electric ice cream maker)! The best thing about making this delicious stuff at home is that it is softer than store bought ice cream and it is completely perfect to share.

1 cup organic heavy cream
3/4 cup vegan cane sugar sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1 vanilla bean (sliced lengthwise and scrape those beans into pan)

Simmer above ingredients until sugar melts into mixture. Stir it out while simmering. Add above mixture to bowl with:

2 cups organic heavy cream
1 cup organic whole milk
(and throw the skin of the vanilla bean in the bowl)

Refrigerate overnight (or until cold). Pour mixture into electric ice cream maker. Let it get to the consistency of a Frosty and add as many crushed Newman O's to the mix as you can! At this point my ice cream maker overflowed (too many cookies) so I had to run down the street with the over flowing ice cream and share with friends. Next I'm going to try Strawberry Sorbet and Chocolate Ice Cream.


Erin said...

Oooooh! Nummy! It inspires me to break out our ice cream maker - I've been wanting to try making gelato (mmmm, chocolate hazelnut gelato!). I'll report on the results - I'm just sad we can't share. Yet.

Anonymous said...

I heart being your neighbor ;)

j. woolard said...

i wish i was your neighbor!

magical said...

i want some of that. hope you're well, brooke. i miss you dudes!